4-5MT/hr (100TPD)

Plant Features:

1. Plant design is compact, need less space, height, manufactured using minimum structure with good factor of safety easy to run and maintain energy efficient.
2. Plant capacity 4-5 MT/hr on 5mm Pellet size.
3. Total power required =270 HP (Approx).
4. Designed with expandable capacity measures in future.
5. Plant is designed to operate & maintain easily.
6. In case of automation failure, provision of manual operation or by pass is provided.
7. Minimum Power consumption, Latest technology, recovers investment very shortly.

Hammer Mill

Double shaft Paddle Mixer


Pellet Mill




Auto- Bagging Machine

Machines Features:

Grinding: Our Standard Hammer mill is provided in this plant which runs on 75-80 H.P. Power. This machine is equipped with interlock sieve pressing system which makes changing sieves very easy & quick. VFD Controlled Rotary van feeder controls the material load with respect to main motor of hammer mill.

Mixing: Mixer is also known as the heart of a feed plant. Our latest Double shaft Paddle mixer Model BAEW-TSPM-10 (1 ton/batch) is provided in this plant, which ensures mixing efficiency CV < 5% in just 2-3 minutes. A homogeneous mixture is achieved in very short span of time. It saves the time & consumes less energy.

Conditioning: Stainless steel Double shaft conditioner [2Nos.] is used to achieve good conditioning which results in low power consumption of pellet machine.

Pelleting: Pellet mill model BAEW-PM 420 used to achieve 4-5 MT/hr on 5 mm hole Die [Stainless steel] & unique

Cooling: Counter flow cooler [Stainless Steel] with stationary product distributor for uniformly cooling of hot pellets, I.D. Fan with Dynamically balanced rotor & product level sensors.

Crumbling: Latest designed Crumblers are used in our plants in which Crumbler is equipped with rotary distributor; direct by pass Shute & Gap adjustable crumbling rolls. Very less fines re-circulate during operation.

Screening Latest designed screener is used for best screening results with zero breakdowns due to vibration.

Bagging: Bagging is manually done. Provision for automatic bagging is already there for future.


Bhajan Agro has a group of experts engineers in the field of manufacturing and testing products.


Factors that makes us reliable business partners is, Our quality products & we act as complete sourcing center.


The vision of Bhajan Agro is to continue the heritage of our Company and be a premier manufacturer of top quality products.


Our mission is to produce & develop quality products at a competitive price. We will always strive to best services our customers

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